Desai & Diwanji’s energy and natural resources practice group represents multilateral organisations, governments, project sponsors, developers, turnkey contractors, suppliers, banks, financial institutions, private equity funds as well as public sector enterprises, regularly handling complex matters across the energy and natural resources sector including advisory in relation to:
- oil and gas, including upstream projects as well as downstream transportation and storage
- petroleum and hydro-carbons
- pipeline projects
- mining minerals and metals
- nuclear, thermal and hydro-electric power
- biofuels
- wind energy and solar energy (grid and roof-top projects)
- hybrid power
- water supply projects
- forest and paper products
Our team has extensive experience in handling the full spectrum of legal services that spans structuring, drafting, negotiating and advising on:
- production sharing contracts (PSCs) as well as joint operating agreements (JOAs)
- fuel supply agreements and power purchase agreements (PPAs)
- offtake agreements
- liquefied natural gas (LNG) sale purchase agreements
- farm-in / farm-out agreements
- gas sale agreements
- gas transportation agreements
- tariff determination
- mines and minerals related laws
- waste management regulations
- water allocation and management regulations
- various aspects of environmental law-related compliances, including the procurement of permits and consents thereunder
- wildlife protection laws
- coastal regulation zones (CRZs)
- diverse land tenures
- land use categories (including village land, forest land, tribal land, eco-friendly zones and the like)
- conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land for industrial use
- applicable licences, permits and consents
- risk assessment and preparation of risk matrices
The Firm also has a niche energy and natural resources related disputes resolution practice, and regulary represents its clients before specialised regulatory and adjudicatory bodies such as the Central and State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (CERC and SERCs), the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (ATE), and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB).
We advise on the full cycle of energy and natural resources projects, including bidding, acquisition, development, financing, refinancing, debt restructuring, operations and regulatory advisory. Always mindful of the requirements of the client, we assemble teams from across practice areas – including mergers and acquisitions, real estate, regulatory advisory and dispute resolution – to provide comprehensive legal advice and innovative solutions coupled with a seamless service experience.