Rajeev Yadav

Associate Partner


mobile  +91 (124) 4850 300
mobile  +91 70424 50631
mobile  rajeev.yadav@desaidiwanji.com

(With a career span of 19 years,) Rajeev is currently working as an Associate Partner  at Desai & Diwanji’s Gurugram office

Rajeev has diverse practices in the field of real estate and eispute resolution. , He has been handling work related to real estate projects including conducting due diligence of agricultural lands for renewable energy projects, solar projects, wind project, warehousing, superstores/hyper marts; commercial retail and housing projects; and  preparing due diligence reports. He has been advising clients on various legal issues related to development of real estate projects including solar policies, change of land use, licences, stamp duty implications, usage as per master plan and government policies . He has expert skills in drafting of various real estate deeds/documents including joint venture agreements, development agreement, commercial leases, builder buyer agreements, LOI, conveyance  and the like.

Additionally, Rajeev has   wide experience in handling civil, criminal, commercial and consumer litigations. He has been regularly appearing before Supreme Court, High Courts at Delhi, Punjab and Haryana, Patna, Calcutta, District Courts in Delhi NCR, National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, State Consumer Commissions, District Consumer Commissions, Central Administrative Tribunal, New Delhi, National Anti-Doping Agency, New Delhi, specialized tribunals for personal with disabilities, NCLT, NCLAT and other specialized tribunals. He  also handles commercial arbitration and matters related to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.