Tushar Srivastava is an Associate Partner at Desai & Diwanji’s Gurugram offices.
His practice areas include Energy, Infrastructure, Airports, Dispute Resolution, and Insolvency . He has advised diverse clients in all of these sectors.
He has worked extensively in the field of electricity regulatory litigation and has represented and advised generating companies, distribution licensees, transmission licensees and trading licensees. He has vast experience in tariff related issues pertaining to tariff determination, as well as tariff appeals for all the aforesaid three licensees. He has played a key role in developing the law on captive power plants and has also been part of various writ issues resulting in landmark judgments governing the electricity and regulatory sector. Further, Tushar has vast experience in bidding related disputes such on aspects of force majeure, change in law and contractual issues related to Power Purchase Agreements and ancillary agreements.
Tushar regularly appears before the Supreme Court, High Court, Tribunals including the Appellate Tribunal for electricity and State Electricity Regulatory Commissions. He regularly advises on aspects of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.
This is a general overview of Tushar’s practice. Please contact him to receive a more detailed statement of his experience in any particular area of his practice.